
The film presentations are here

• Democracy should work without campaign money — and the corruption this always brings.

• Democracy should only give the right of free speech to real people. Corporate managers should not be allowed to divert company billions towards overpowering the voice of the people.

• Democracy should have a system for the people to self-organize and elect new leaders without the involvement of their current leaders, or government. This is so people living under tyrannies have the easiest time possible overthrowing their government.

• Our democracy should have a much longer and stronger bill of rights to protect the people.

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Here are some common-sense changes for democracy — Changes that will make democracy much less corrupt — So the people can work better together, and better deal with all the many problems the world faces.

Handhelds: Site navigation in box at top of page.

Ballot boxes are put on the back of a truck and driven off for counting in many nations. Instead, ballot boxes should remain at the polling place, out in the open, under continuous community monitoring by all who care to watch them. Ballot boxes should remain untouched from the start of voting until they are opened and counted by a long line of people in succession — from that district. Then all the monitors and ballot-counters sign the score card for that poling site. Then all the scores of all the polling places get posted on the county website. Thus we have “1-hour” election results that are much harder to tamper-with. They are also harder to call-off after the count, as happened in Venezuela and Thailand recently.

Of course the electronic black boxes will get hacked, or changed-out, or otherwise corrupted. How can we be so dumb as to allow witness-less black boxes in our elections?

Freedom of speech is for real people
Why do we allow the managers of corporations to divert massive corporate cash flows to fund their own political agendas? Why do we allow these people to have a bigger voice in our democracy? And obviously corporate money DOES frequently drown out the organic voice of the people, and get people elected. Why do we allow this corruption to exist?

Non-human entities should not have the full right of free speech like real flesh and blood citizens. They should not be allowed to make campaign donations, or lobby government, or advertise about political matters.  If their shareholders wish to do these things as individuals, or groups, they can. It is just the non-human entities that should not be allowed to participate in our democracy of the people, by the people and for the people.

If lawmakers voted in secret,
like the people do at the polls then:
They could vote as they like, and ignore their donors — because their donors will not know how they voted. Thus our democracy will be less influenced by money.
b) Donors won’t know if their gifts worked — and they won’t expect much because of secret voting. So less money will be spent on trying to influence our democracy.
c) Lawmakers stop swapping votes, because nobody can tell if the other side voted as promised. Then, without vote swapping, the corrupting power of political parties is mostly eliminated from the democracy.
d) People won’t know how their lawmakers voted. So politics will be less about pulling more government spending towards one’s district and agenda — and more about what is good for the nation overall. This will reduce wasteful “pork barrel” spending, and make government more efficient financially.
e) All of the above. Democracy improved in 4 important ways.

The downside of secret lawmakers voting
We won’t be able to vote-out lawmakers who voted wrongly — because we won’t know how they voted. This is however a weak reason, because over the past two decades, incumbents in the U.S. House of Representatives have been re-elected 94% of the time. And among the 6% that didn’t make it, voting history was only one of a several reasons why they were voted-out. Also, if the democracy does not allow lawmakers to serve in back-to-back terms, the entire idea of voting-out lawmakers has little meaning. So secret lawmaker voting is 4 steps forward and one step, or perhaps half a step backwards.

Our democracy’s representation-ratio is much too narrow
The representation ratio is perhaps the most important aspect of a democracy’s design. What is the ratio of leaders to citizens? Narrow democracies, with too few elected leaders are essentially the same thing as broad oligarchies.  Thus narrow democracies suffer from many of the same problems that broad oligarchies suffer from.

Problem #1 Intelligence: Which democracy will have an expert in every subject? The one with 50 lawmakers, or the one with 50-thousand lawmakers? Which brain is smarter, the one with 50 cells or the one with 50-thousand cells?

Problem #2 Isolation: Which democracy is more accessible and can better hear the voice of the people? The one with 50 lawmakers, or the one with 50-thousand?

Problem #3 Elitism: Which democracy is less elitist, and more like the common man? The one with 50 lawmakers or the one with 50-thousand?

Problem #4 Ease of seizing power: Is it easier to seize power from 50 lawmakers or 50-thousand? Also, broad democracies can be decentralized, meeting in multiple cities— This makes a seizure of power even harder to pull off.

Problem #5 Vote value: Lawmakers in a 50-man legislature cast very powerful and very valuable votes — votes that are definitely worth buying and selling. But if the legislature has 50,000 men in it instead, each vote is worth 1,000 times less and the cost of corruption rises by 1,000-fold.  Also, the ability to profit from one’s position in a 50-man or 500-man legislature offers a powerful incentive for crooks to fight for election. In fact, such a valuable thing to sell, clearly draws crooks to elected office like bees to honey.

Problem #6 Lobbying: It’s easy to visit 50 lawmakers, but it’s hard to visit 50,000 lawmakers — 1,000 times harder.  Thus the broader democracy is 1,000 times less vulnerable to lobbyists.

灯蓝专业 What a huge error of scale we make. There is no way that 536 elected people (435 representatives +100 senators +1 president) can adequately manage a government for 325 million people. There is no way that a few hundred decision makers (no matter how brilliant) can manage the affairs of a few hundred million people. At one-in-a-million, there simply are not enough democratically elected people to properly run our huge nation.

As a result, our democracy is under-staffed with elected decision makers. So, most work is done by non-elected appointees. Today these appointees are our democracy’s, eyes, ears, analysts, and report writers. In fact, these non-elected appointees even undertake the all-important job of writing laws for our legislatures, as well as doing just about everything for our 4-year presidential monarchs.

Thus appointees not only frame the issues our democracy votes on, but they also write the solutions, and manage their implementation — just as they did under the figurehead monarchies we supposedly got rid of in 1776. Our one-in-a-million elected lawmakers mostly choose between the plans the non-elected bureaucracy has come up with. And this choice they make when they are not distracted by campaigning for re-election — as 43% of our the national lawmakers in the US must do in any given year.

So the 7th vulnerability of narrow democracy is that too many important duties fall on appointees. By contrast, if we made our democracy broader, we could easily exclude non-elected people from all top positions in government.

Now isn’t democracy based on a presumption that elections provide us with the best leadership? How come our democracy isn’t managed through and through by elected officials? How come we only have a thin coating of 536 elected officials “spray-painted” on the surface of an immense appointee bureaucracy employing millions of people?

Problem #8 Campaign money: The average US representation ratio between our two legislatures is 1-in-1.54 million voters. (This is the weighted average is 1:580,000 & 1:2.5 million). Therefore, the congressional candidates in our narrow and oligarchic democracy have to reach voters by-the-million — and this is an expensive thing to do.

And because our democracy bizarrely lacks even an official website for campaign videos, (let alone broadcast media time), our candidates have come to rely on expensive ads in the paid commercial media.

Now because of the effectiveness of these media ads in reaching voters by-the-million, the candidates that run lots of expensive ads tend to win elections. And the candidates that get lots of campaign contributions can afford to run lots of expensive ads. So basically, we have a democracy where election success tends to be purchased with campaign contributions. In other words, we have a corrupt democracy.

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However, democracies can easily be too broad

安卓灯蓝专业版加速器 If we take our 1:2,500 best, and make them our group decision makers, we are going to get smarter decision makers that if we take our 1:25 best.

Problem #10 Cost: If everyone is taking time to get informed about society’s decisions, who is going to work? And if our 1:100 best are working as decision makers, it will cost at least 1% of GDP, and probably more like 3% to 5% of GDP, because these are often our most productive people. So full-time 1:100 democracies and too broad and too costly. And even 1:250 full-time democracies will cost up to around 2% of GDP.

安卓灯蓝专业版下载 If we only “confirm” 1:500 people as Senators each year, demand for the status will certainly exceed supply, and people will work hard for the honor of being a Senator and serving the public for a year. If we confirm 1:50, we may have trouble finding enough good people after some time — especially if we have annual elections and sensible incumbency restrictions.

Problem #12 Media corruption: When everyone votes, many people fail to take enough time to properly inform themselves. Many of these people then base their decisions on something they saw in the openly corrupt paid commercial media. Thus media corruption gains sway over our democracy.

The representation sweet spot
Assuming a US electorate of 250-million:
1. 2.5 leaders = 1-in-100,000,000 democracy  -BAD-
2. 25 leaders = 1-in-10,000,000 democracy  -BAD-
3. 250 leaders = 1-in-1,000,000 democracy  -BAD-
4. 2,500 leaders = 1-in-100,000 democracy  -BAD-
5. 25,000 leaders = 1-in-10,000 democracy  -GOOD-
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7. 2,500,000 leaders = 1-in-100 democracy  -BAD-

8. 25,000,000 leaders = 1-in-10 democracy  -BAD-
9. 250,000,000 leaders = everyone votes  -BAD-

1, 2, 3 and 4 all have too few leaders and suffer from the problems caused by excessive concentration of power. On the other hand 7, 8 and 9 all have too many leaders and suffer from the problems caused by excessively diffused power. The sweet-spot therefore is near 5 and 6.  The new democracy and new 230-page constitution I propose is in this sweet-spot where corruption is inherently lowest. It uses:

A 1:250 SUB-SENATE of 1,000,000 that elects 1:10 to a
1:2,500 MAIN-SENATE of 100,000 that elects 1:10 to a
1:25,000 OVER-SENATE of 10,000.

This is a “middle-road” representation ratio that lies between two extremes, each extreme having big problems.

Broad incorruptible Democracy
Here is a 1,544-page design for a new and incorruptible form of democracy.  Free download here. This new democracy/constitution was designed to be incorruptible.  This is in contrast to the 2nd US constitution of 1789, which was designed to have as many back-doors to power as possible — while appearing fair and reasonable.  

Here we note that the current US constitution of 1789:
1. Allowed slavery in the land of the free.
2. Was sent for ratification without a bill of rights.
3. Narrowed our nation’s pre-1789 representation ratio from 1:1,200, to what it is today: 1:1,540,000. 
4. called for “a great and mighty president, with very extensive powers; the powers of a king,”灯蓝专业版免费 安卓

A brief introduction to the proposed democracy
We assume an electorate of 250 million:

Sub-Senate: This part-time body of 1,000,000 once-elected people will:
1. Listen to the people and elevate worthy ideas.
2. Determine the truth independently of the commercial media.
3. Assemble information for the Senate.
4. Help administer government in a granular way.
5. Serve as a giant staffing pool for election to the higher national Senates, local Senates, judicial duty, and as government managers.

Main-Senate: This full-time body of 100,000 twice-elected people will both make and execute the nation’s laws. The Main-Senate will work in two ways: For important decisions, the entire Main-Senate will vote as one body of 100,000. But for ordinary business, the Main-Senate will vote as 10 specialized legislative channels of 10,000 each (called “SLUICES”). These sluices will be similar to the various congressional committees in the US today, except that there will be about 10,000 lawmakers in a sluice — about 1,000 times more lawmakers than a congressional committee today.

安卓灯蓝专业版加速器 This full-time body of 10,000 thrice-elected people sets the overall course of government and its budget. It also adjusts powers and budgets among the other Senates and sluices. However, the Over-Senate makes no laws, and spends almost no money itself. Thus, the other Senates and Sluices are restrained (“checked and balanced”) in their powers and spending. The 10,000-man Over-Senate also interprets the constitution and acts as the supreme judge of constitutionality — replacing our current 9-man supreme court of appointed-for-life, oligarch, super-lawyers.

The new design makes democratic revolutions easier
The new democracy gives the people a way to elect a new government and a new constitution without the approval of the current government. It has a system for staging structured protests that elect temporary “mustering” Sub-Senators. When the people muster the required percentage of the electorate in structured protest, the new constitution they have mustered under is then automatically elected into force. Then, their duly elected formation Sub-Senators become a temporary 7-day mustering Senate for the nation.

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Everyone, everywhere, it is time to muster up. If the world begins mustering in great numbers, this will hopefully provoke even the Iranians and the North Koreans to muster up and institute democracies in their lands.

The illusion of democracy
Today, US style democracy has a single decision making channel that uses 3 groups of mono-elected people in succession. First a house of 435 lawmakers votes. Then their decisions are double checked by a house of 100 lawmakers. Then everything is triple checked by our totally overworked 4- year elected monarch and his appointee administration.

Now, in many ways, a democracy is only as broad as its narrowest law-making, or law-vetoing house. So in many ways the US government is a monarchy.  Of course, if both oligarchic legislatures vote 2:1, they can override the immense power of our presidential monarch. But unless our lawmakers all really want something by a 2:1 margin, the administration of our 4-year monarch largely rules over our entire democracy.

Thucydides, d. 400BC, History, 2.65
“In theory, Athens was a democracy, but in practice it was ruled by just one leader.” [Apparently systems of elected “presidential” monarchy are quite ancient.] 

Patrick Henry, 1788.06.07
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[1) Patrick Henry had the immense distinction of being the first speaker before the incipient US Congress in 1774. This honor was probably not given lightly.
2) Thomas Jefferson said that Patrick Henry was the true leader of the American Revolution.
3) Under the Articles of Confederation, the US had no president.  Here Patrick Henry (the true leader of the American revolution) was speaking out against the new constitution. He objected to having a single powerful 4-year monarch with so much power over the new American democracy.]

Patrick Henry, 1788.06.07
“There is to be a great and mighty president, with very extensive powers; the powers of a king.” [It is the strangest darn thing that the true leader of the American Revolution said this about our current constitution, and it is never talked about in our schools. It is also strange that we Americans think we have a democracy, when in fact, we have a republic, or a 4-year constitutional monarchy.]

Apple dictionary: REPUBLIC
“A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and 安卓软伀 - YAMADIE:2021-6-12 · 精选安卓android软伀免费下载,更多安卓软伀尽在yamadie.net. 安卓皮皮虾v2.8.6 | 无广告 、去水印 2021-06-12 安卓蚂蚁森林能量脚本V1.3 | 无需ROOT.”
[The word REPUBLIC officially comes from the Latin term RES PUBLICA which looks an awful lot like REX PUBLICA = public king. And that term Public King perfectly describes what a republic is. It’s a democracy with a single 4-year monarch, and a large appointee bureaucracy running the nation for him.  So today, the US doesn’t actually have a real democracy, but a REX PUBLIC, a democracy overruled by a temporary monarch, who is in turn overruled by 9 appointee super-lawyers.

Thucydides, d. 400BC, History, 2.65
“In theory, Athens was a democracy, but in practice it was ruled by just one leader.”

Theodore K. Rabb, Last days of the renaissance, Ch. 5
“On the surface, Parliament in England certainly seemed supreme, as impervious to outside influence as the absolutist monarchy in France. For both, however, the first impression disguised the reality that the true ruler of the land was an alliance between elite and monarchy.”


Everyone knows the right direction here
We all know that we don’t want kings and dictators and oligarchies. And we all know we want to go in the opposite direction — with a very large group of elected people that is too big for anyone to sway. Why do we have 4-year elected monarchs in the land of the free? Why do we have appointee cabinet secretaries administering our nation?

Broadening a democracy is generally good,
Narrowing a democracy is generally bad
What is the harm of having many thousands of elected officials? Isn’t this the opposite of monarchy, tyranny and oligarchy? Now I may be wrong, but I believe that no modern nation (with the exception of the United States between 1777 and 1789) has ever had a broad form of democracy with even a 1:50,000 representation ratio. Why has this never even been tried? And again, what is the downside of broadening the decision making base in our democracy? Don’t people the world over trust the decisions of large bodies more than small ones? And aren’t we all willing to change anything in our democracies that looks like a big source of corruption?

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The easiest form government to corrupt is when one figurehead is in charge of a giant bureaucracy And not far behind comes olig•archy (Gr. o=no + Gr. ligos=ligaments, ligatures, strings + Gr. archi=rulers) where a few men (with no visible strings) are in charge of a giant bureaucracy.

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Cassius Dio, 52.9
“In democracies, the more men there are with wealth and courage, the more they compete for honor, and thereby strengthen the state.” [These are men of leisure, with sufficient wealth to spend their days getting invoved, and men of courage because it is at times dangerous to get involved in politics.]

The first US Constitution
From 1777 until 1789, the United States had a first constitution with over 2,000 lawmakers. In 1789 a new constitution (our current constitution) was instituted by 39 men without the authority of the others. This new constitution had only 65 representatives, 26 senators, and a single 4-year elected monarch with extensive veto powers over the other 91 elected people.

On top of narrowing of our democracy by 30:1 towards oligarchy, these 39 men also sent the new 2nd US constitution for ratification without a bill of rights. And thirdly, they also allowed slavery in the land of the free. Clearly, by these 3-facts, these 39 men did not have the best interests of the people in mind. Clearly they staged a sort of constitutional coup with the world’s prototype democracy. Clearly our democracy was designed to be corruptible while appearing fair and honest.

Why no bill of rights?
The current U.S. constitution of 1789 was written by 39 men who sent it to the state legislatures for ratification without a bill of rights. This was not only intentional — it was “struggled” for. Here on 1787.10.06, (Federalist Papers) James Wilson, one of the 39 men who produced the current US constitution argued against including a bill of rights. Note the confusing and obscuring words he used. Note how hard it is to understand what he was saying.

Here we see a lawyer-type defending an indefensible position. People arguing for a valid cause struggle to be clear. Also, here we see the sort of person that produced our current prototype constitution. Here is why the constitution of the land of the free allowed for slavery. Here is how the government of the land of the free was narrowed from over 2,000 lawmakers to only 65+26 lawmakers, vetoed by the offices of a lone presidential monarch, and 9 apointee supreme court lawyers.

James Wilson, 1787.10.06, (Federalist Papers)
[In] “answer to those who think the omission of a bill of rights[is] a defect in the proposed Constitution; for it would have been superfluous and absurd to have stipulated with a federal body of our own creation, that we should enjoy those privileges of which we are not divested [deprived from], either by the intention or the act that has brought the body into existence. For instance, the liberty [freedom] of the press, which has been a copious [abundant] source of declamation [public writings] and opposition. What control can proceed from [possibly originate in] the Federal government to shackle or destroy that sacred palladium [safeguard] of national freedom?”  [Again, this is a lawyer defending an indefensible position by hiding its true nature. People arguing for legitimate causes struggle to be clear.]

Written to restrain freedoms
James Wilson was one of the 39 men who produced the current US constitution — the prototype constitution for the modern world. Just above, he was explaining why those 39 men sent their new 2.0 U.S. constitution of 1789 for ratification without a national bill of rights. Clearly this man was not on the side of freedom. Clearly this man struggled to restrain our freedoms rather than assure them.  But more importantly, our current 2.0 constitution was produced by 39 men who were mostly on Wilson’s side. After all, there had to be a majority to send the new constitution for ratification without a bill of rights.

Gustavus Meyers, History of Great American Fortunes, 1.5
“The Constitution of the United States was so drafted as to take as much direct power from the people as the landed and trading interests dared [take].”

Patrick Henry, 1788.06.07
“The founders of your own [1777] Constitution made your Government changeable: But the power of changing it is gone from you! whither [to where] is it gone?”
[The current 1789 US constitution is famously hard and expensive to change. In fact, it is rather a thing written in stone, almost impossible to change. Apparently once someone got our institutions the way they wanted, they also struggled to make them sacred and unchangeable. The new 3rd US constitution is not super expensive, or super difficult to change.]

It appears that the so-called “free world” uses the weakest and easiest to corrupt form of democracy that could be gotten away with in the 1780s.  And this was after purges under cover of war that happened in the 1770s.

Book title: 1777, The year of the hangman
The title of this book by John S. Pancake speaks of revolutionary war purges, but the subject matter of the book is an ordinary revolutionary war battle history. It appears that a book was talked about, and then wholly replaced by another book. So it seems that George Orwell’s ministry of truth is real to some extent.

Cassius Dio, Reign of Augustus, 52.40
“If you want a monarchy but fear the accursed title, you can avoid the title by ruling as a Caesar… In this way you can enjoy the reality of a monarchy without the stigma that is attached to the name.”

Cassius Dio, Reign of Augustus, 53.2
“he [emperor Augustus] 蓝灯vp:1 天前 · 蓝灯lantern破解版vip无限流量及各版本下载 | 路由器博客 [图文] 网站首页 >游戏助手>蓝灯VIP破解版v3.6.6破解内购专业版 蓝灯VIP破解版v3.6.6破解内购专业版 蓝灯的Android版本怎么用_ 点中间的按钮.选择确定.翻墙成功的话会在通知栏有一个小钥匙的标志.  [Thus the billionaire front emperor corrupted the senators in the legislature that were supposed to watch over him.]

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Someone else was there shaping democracy
A foreign interest was quietly struggling to modify the new prototype constitution for the free world. And then when they got their new constitution the way they wanted, they pulled, they struggled, they bribed, they begged, they kidnapped, they killed, and they haunted us into its doing things their easy to corrupt way.  Who was that foreign interest?

Anti-Federalist Papers, Centinel #1, 1787.10.5
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Pauline Maier, Ratification, Introduction
“the Federalists also controlled the documents on which historians depend. They owned most of the newspapers. They sometimes paid those who took notes on the convention debates or subsidized the publication of their transcripts. In some places, above all Connecticut, Federalists forcibly blocked the circulation of literature critical of the Constitution. In Pennsylvania, as one little-known letter in the DHRC proves, they even tried to suppress evidence that anyone had anything negative to say about the Constitution, and so suggest that everyone was simply shouting ‘huzzah’.” 

Anti-Federalist Papers, John DeWitt, 1787.11.5
“Knowing the danger of frequent applications to the people, they ask for the whole at once. And [they] are now by their conduct, teasing and absolutely haunting you into a compliance. If you choose all these things should take place, 灯蓝专业 by all means gratify them. Go, and establish this Government which is unanimously confessed imperfect, yet incapable of alterations.”

Gustavus Meyers, History of Great American Fortunes, 1.5
“The Constitution of the United States was so drafted as to take as much direct power from the people as the landed and trading interests [fronting for the parasitic land of no resources] dared [take].”

Anti-Federalist papers 1787.06.28
[Speaking here is Gunning Bedford, one of the 39 men who stayed to the end and produced the 2nd US Constitution of 1787. Here we see how the parasitic land of no resources instituted its new “democratic” constitution that had elections, but also had numerous back-doors to power.] “what have the people already said? ‘We find the confederation [of 13 states] 护眼宝下载官方最新版_护眼宝防蓝光app下载 安卓版 V9.6 ...:2021-6-4 · 护眼宝下载,护眼宝是一款专门保护眼睛视力的护眼应用软伀,护眼宝app贴心为你过滤屏幕蓝光,夜晚才能睡得更舒适,远离各种手机病,贴心的疲劳提醒,让你更好的保护用眼习惯,放松自己的眼睛,给你全方位的健康分析,成为你的儿童管家,为宝贝智能护眼,还有过暗保护。 [the power to tax], regulation of trade, power to collect the taxes, and the means to discharge our foreign and domestic debts.’ Can we not then, as their delegates, agree upon these points? As their ambassadors, can we not clearly grant those powers? Why then, when we are met [meeting] must entire, distinct, and new grounds be taken, and a government, of which the people had no idea, be instituted? And are we to be told, if we won’t agree to it, it is the last moment of our deliberations? I say, it is indeed the last moment, if we do agree to this assumption of power. The states will never again be entrapped into a measure like this. … Let us then do what is [with]in our power – – amend and enlarge the confederation [of the 13 state legislatures, with over 2,000 law makers], but not alter the federal system [by which those 13 states cooperate]. The people expect this, and no more.”

The US began as a 1:1,200 democracy
Under the 1st constitution of 1777 the United States (plural) had over 2,000 state lawmakers for 2.4 million free men. Then in 1787, 4-years after the Revolutionary War ended, a call was made for delegates to discuss ways to make the congress or union of 13 states work better. 74 Men were selected as delegates, but only 55 went to Philadelphia in May of 1787. Of these, only 39 delegates actually stayed until the 2nd US constitution was completed in September. Thus only 39 men “drafted” the paradigm for modern democracy. This was barely over half of the 74 men delegated to go. The other half either boycotted or walked out of what is today celebrated as the US constitutional convention.

Under this 2nd constitution, all of America’s 2,000 or so state legislators were put under the power of their new federal government which consisted of 65 representatives, 26 senators, and a 1 four-year elected monarch with immense power over the rest of government. Needless to say, this was a huge narrowing of our nation’s broad democracy. Thus it is not a real democracy we use today — It is the clever illusion of democracy, an oligarchic monarchy, just like with the Romans and Athenians.

Thucydides, d. 400BC, History, 2.65
“In theory, Athens was a democracy, but in practice it was ruled by just one leader.”

James Madison Architect of the U.S. Constitution
It is important to realize that the current US constitution was substantially written before-hand by James Madison. It doesn’t seem to have changed much at the “constitutional convention”.

Patrick Henry, 1788.06.05, Anti-Federalist Papers
“There is an ambiguity, Sir, a fatal ambiguity; an ambiguity which is very astonishing. In the clause under consideration, there is the strangest thing that I can conceive. I mean, when it says, that there shall not be more Representatives, that one for every 30,000. Now, Sir, how easy is it to evade this privilege [restriction]? ‘The number shall not exceed one for every 30,000’. This may be satisfied by one Representative from each State. Let our numbers be[come] ever so great; this immense continent, may, by this artful expression, be reduced to have but 13 Representatives. I confess this construction is not natural; but the ambiguity of the expression lays a good ground for quarrel. Why was it not clearly and unequivocally expressed, that they [the American people]灯蓝专业 [a representation ratio of] one for every 30,000? This would have obviated all disputes; and was this difficult to be done? What is the inference?”

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[Article I, Section 2 of the current 2.0 version of the US Constitution, the 1789 version states:]  “Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this union, according to their respective numbers… The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every 30,000 but each state shall have at least one representative…”

[Look at the last 9 words above:] “but each state shall have at least one representative”. [How on earth did such an oligarchic clause get into the US Constitution? Why on earth did our great and wise “Founding Fathers” narrow US democracy from over 2,000 legislators to potentially as few as 13? Did Americans do this by themselves after rebelling against the English king? Or did the Arab parasite race quietly help America to narrow its House of Representatives into an easy-to-manage oligarchy with potentially as few as 13 state representatives? Clearly someone was sabotaging the new prototype democracy, angling to make it as narrow and oligarchic as possible in future generations. Now who could that be?]

America’s democracy is close to oligarchy
Look at American-style democracy on the true continuum of democracy — that of the representation ratio. With respect to our Congress, America’s narrow democracy is one of the more highly leveraged, least democratic, and easiest to corrupt variations of democracy. It is a form of democracy with roughly a one-in-a-million representation ratio. It is a democracy only one order of magnitude broader than oligarchy. Or maybe it still is a sort of oligarchy — a broad oligarchy, double-checked by a 100-man oligarchy, and then triple checked by a completely over-worked 4-year monarch and his appointee “secretaries”.

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And let’s not forget the Judiciary: This is a narrow oligarchy of 9 lifetime appointees. Here 5 of 9 appointees can veto the acts of our legislature for any plausible conflict they can dream up with our US constitution, a document that is not only terse to the point of vagueness, but it is also absurdly hard-to-change, and thus perennially out-of-date.

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Paragraph 5 from the 1st U.S constitution,
The Articles of Confederation (1777-1789)
“For the most convenient management of the general interests of the United [13] States, delegates shall be annually appointed in such manner as the legislature of each state shall direct, to meet in Congress on the first Monday in November, in every year, with a power reserved to each state to recall [all] its delegates, or any of them, at any time within the year, and to send others in their stead for the remainder of the year. No state shall be represented in Congress by less than two, nor more than seven members; and no person shall be capable of being a delegate for more than three years in any term of six years; nor shall any person, being a delegate, be capable of holding any office under the United States, for which he, or another for his benefit [on his behalf] receives any salary, fee or emolument [profit from holding a public office] of any kind. Each state shall maintain its own delegates in a meeting of the states, and while they act as members of the committee of the states. In determining questions in the United States in Congress assembled, each state shall have one vote.”

The United States were a 1-in-1,200 democracy under their 1st constitution of 1777-1789.
The word delegate is used 5-times in the paragraph above. These delegates were not autonomous lawmakers empowered to make their own decisions. They were messengers conveying 13 votes from 13 state legislatures with over 2,000 legislators. If the delegates didn’t vote the way they were directed by their state legislature, they would be recalled and replaced, and perhaps there would be a recount of the 13 state votes.

2,000 US lawmakers
Given that the US began with a free population of 2.4-million, the nation began with a hard-to-corrupt 1:1,200 representation ratio under its first constitution, the Articles of Confederation. Today, the US has an easy-to-corrupt 1-in-1.54- million representation ratio. How did that change happen? How is it that our prototype democracy now has a representation ratio almost a thousand times narrower than our real founding fathers instituted in 1777-1789?

Today, the US has an easy-to-corrupt 1-in-1.54- million representation ratio. How did that change happen? How is it that our prototype democracy now has a representation ratio almost a thousand times narrower than our real founding fathers instituted in 1777-1789?

Melancton Smith speech, 1788.06.25. New York ratifying convention of America’s 2nd constitution of 1789, Anti-Federalist Papers
“An honorable gentleman from New York [arch Federalist Alexander Hamilton] observed yesterday, that the states would always maintain their importance and authority, on account of their superior influence over the people. To prove this influence, he mentioned the aggregate number of the state representatives throughout the continent. But I ask him, how long the people will retain their confidence, for two thousand representatives who shall meet once in a year to make laws for regulating the height of your fences and the repairing of your roads? Will they not by and by be saying — Here, we are paying a great number of men for doing nothing: We had better give up all the civil business of our state with its powers to Congress, who are sitting all the year round: We had better get rid of that useless burden. That matters will come to this at last, I have no more doubt that I have of my existence. The state governments, without object or authority, will soon dwindle into insignificance.” [Read those words again: “two thousand representatives”]

The Federal Farmer 1787.10.08, Anti-Federalist Papers
“Instead of being 13 republics [independent democracies], under a federal head, it is clearly designed to make us one consolidated government. …This consolidation of the [13 united] states has been the object[ive] of several men in this country for some time past.”[These men were the Federalists lead by Alexander Hamilton.]

The Mideast struggle works in small steps
The Mideast got rid of America’s broad and problematic 1:1,200 representation ratio by working in small steps. First they got us to institute a 2nd constitution that had a 1:30,000 limit on its representation ratio. This was 80 lawmakers in a nation of 2.4 million. It was probably as narrow as they could get away with, without risk of provoking a reaction.

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Today, the US democracy still uses no more than a 1:30,000 representation ratio — It uses around a 1:580,000 representation ratio.  So today the US has 435 representatives — a number that is much lower than the 10,200 representatives we are allowed under the current US Constitution — about 23x fewer representatives. And this is how the Mideast got rid of America’s 1st broad, 1:1,200 democracy and set things up so it could institute a totally, but quietly corrupt 1:1,540,000 democracy in its place.

Lilly Tomlin
“98% of the adults in this country are decent hardworking honest Americans. It’s the other lousy 2% that get all the publicity. But then, we elected them.” [Actually only 0.000176% of Americans are elected officials in the national government at any one time. Tomlin’s remark overstates our representation by 11,363:1.]

The Anti-Federalist Papers, 21 June 1787
“One Gentleman alone (Colonel Hamilton) in his animadversions on [criticism of] the plan of New Jersey, boldly and decisively contended for an abolition of the State Governments. Mr. Wilson and the gentlemen from Virginia who also were adversaries of the plan of New Jersey held a different language. They wished to leave the States in possession of a considerable, though a subordinate jurisdiction.”

Sates rights is a cover story
Think about all the junk we Americans learn about state’s rights in high school. This is our parasite’s propaganda for how America’s all critical representation ratio was narrowed from 1:1,200 to 1:580,000. You see, the Arab ministry of Truth (concerned primarily with telling lies) gets us while we are young and our minds are pliant.

Thomas Paine, Common Sense p.38-39
“I likewise mentioned the necessity of a large and equal representation; and there is no political matter which more deserves our attention. A small number of electors, or a small number of representatives are equally dangerous. …Those who would fully understand of what great consequence a large and equal representation is to a state, should read Burgh’s political disquisitions.”

The Anti-Federalist Papers, 1787.06.16
“It is a lesson we ought not to disregard, that the smallest bodies [with the narrowest representation ratios] in Great Britain are notoriously the most corrupt. Every other source of influence must also be stronger in small than large bodies of men.”

Amendment proposed by the Massachusetts ratifying convention
“That there shall be one representative to every 30,000 persons according to the Census mentioned in the Constitution until the whole number of the Representatives amounts to two hundred.”

Proposed amendment to the current U.S. constitution, 1788.06.27, Anti-Federalist Papers
“…there shall be one representative for every 30,000 according to the enumeration or census mentioned in the Constitution, until the whole number of representatives amounts to two hundred: after which, that number shall be continued or increased, as Congress shall direct, upon the principles fixed in the Constitution, by apportioning the representatives of each state to some greater number of people, from time to time, as population increases.”

Proposed amendment to the current U.S. constitution, 1787.08.06, Anti-Federalist papers, 4.4
“As the proportions of numbers in different States will alter from time to time; as some of the States may hereafter be divided; as others may be enlarged by addition of territory; as two or more States may be united; as new States will be erected within the limits of the United States, the Legislature shall, in each of these cases, regulate the number of representatives by the number of inhabitants, according to the provisions hereinafter made, at the rate of one for every 40,000.”

10,200 Representatives anyone?
According to Article 1, Section 2 of the current US constitution, the US government can simply vote in an ordinary bill to widen the roll in the House of Representatives by 23-fold. Thus we can have to around 10,200 representatives, and this requires no constitutional amendment. It is already permitted by the US constitution. Why has this never even been discussed? It would certainly make it harder for the forces of corruption to sway the vote of America’s congress if there were 10,200 representatives elected every two years.

Perhaps the big problem is that then, we might wonder why we allow only 100 men in our secondary house to veto the 10,200 men in our primary house. We might also wonder why we allow one 4-year presidential monarch (along with his unelected administration) to have a veto on the laws of the 10,200 that we base our government upon.

A corrupt Supreme Court
To see the corruption of the current US Supreme Court, simply look at the timing of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, and how it preceded the 1973-77 Arab oil embargo by only about 11 months. Regardless of how you stand on abortion, you must admit that this decision caused many more people to be more distracted by sex just before the oil embargo hit.

David Hume, Political Discourses, 1715
“These people were extremely fond of liberty; but seem not to have understood it very well.”

Percy Shelley
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T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Ch. 69
“We on the Arab front were very intimate with the enemy. Our Arab officers had been Turkish officers, and knew every leader on the other side personally.”

Machiavelli, The Prince, Ch. 7, 1513AD
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Herman Melville, Moby Dick, 1851, Ch. 44
[In the following Ahab=the Arabs, and the White Whale=the US, the rebels against Mideast imperial rule.] “Ahab, the scheming, unappeasably steadfast hunter of the white whale.” [over the millennia]

Herman Melville, Moby Dick, 1851, Ch. 41
“Ahab’s quenchless feud [jihad] seemed mine. With greedy ears I learned the history of that murderous monster [America, the rebel base] against whom I and all the others had taken our oaths of violence and revenge”

In 1777-1789, the United States were a congress of 13 independent states
Today, we learn so little about the government of this period, that many people think that the United States was without a “real” constitution between 1777 and 1789.

25.6% of delegates didn’t go to the “convention”
Then 21.6% of delegates then walked out of the “convention”
Technically, there was no US “Constitutional Convention” convened in 1787 to write a 2nd US constitution. 74 men were delegated to discuss specific problems facing the meta- democracy of the 13 independent states acting together in concert, or congress. 19 delegates did not go, and then 16 delegates walked out of what would later be called the US Constitutional Convention. Only 39 of 74 men (52.7%) stayed to the end, and participated in the discussion and writing of the 2nd US Constitution of 1787/1789.

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Most of the people who stayed were either Arab moles or delegates from the 3 under-populated southern states. These 3 southern states had less than 7% of the nation’s free population. And they were about to suffer a big financial hit from a legislative tide against slavery in the land of the free. So these were people that would accept any bargain to save slavery.

There can be no doubt that these men led by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison exceeded their authority in drafting an entirely new constitution, a 2nd constitution for the 13 independent states. This new constitution narrowed the old democracy of over 2,000 legislators into one of 65 Representatives, 26 Senators, and 1 four-year monarch.

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1) It narrowed the U.S. democracy from over 2,000 legislators into one of 65 Representatives, 26 Senators, and 1 four-year monarch.
2) It permits an oligarchy of 50 for the House of Representatives, one for each state.
3) Its authors tried to get it ratified without a national bill of rights.
4) It permitted slavery in the land of the free.
5) It counts slaves in the calculation of representation.
6) We use a republic that is substantially is run by a 4-year elected monarch and his appointees. This monarch’s vetos can only be overridden with a 2:1 vote in both legislatures.

The song remains the same
The monarch’s bro•cracy still runs our nation.

Ben Franklin and George Washington
We read that Benjamin Franklin then age 81 is on record as saying practically nothing, and convention chair George Washington contributed not one idea until the last day of the convention when he made a vague speech of encouragement. Thus Benjamin Franklin and George Washington had practically no input in drafting the constitution.

A new constitution was needed
Basically, under its 1st constitution, the 13 United State legislatures had 2,000 lawmakers organized as a meta- democracy, (a democracy of 13 sub-democracies). Here, in the congress of 13 state legislatures, if 7 states voted one way, it was considered a majority.

However, due to the inherent problems of meta- democracy for decision making, (i.e. a majority in 7-of-13 states could be had with as little as 26.9% of the popular vote), the government of the 13 United States only worked well on the state level. On the inter-state level, it was simply too ‘wobbly’. It was too easy to pass legislation and then to cancel it. In fact, in the years leading up to 1789, we hear that many laws were passed and then repealed right after they were passed. This in turn led to many of the inter-state laws being ignored for some time to see if they would actually be left to stand for enforcement. This then lead to everyone ignoring the government when they did not want to do what they were told to do — for example, paying taxes.

The parasite designed modern democracy, not the host. Thus modern democracy was designed to enslave, not liberate.
That the 2nd U.S. Constitution would become the prototype for all modern democracies was probably obvious to the Arabs at the time.

Democracy transformed to oligarchy
America’s legislatures are 483x and 2,083x narrower today

Under the 1st US constitution, the confusingly named “Articles of Confederation”, the US had a representation ratio of around 1:1,200. Today, the House-of-Representatives has a representation ratio of 1:580,000 and our Senate a representation ration of 1:2.5 million. So one of our legislatures is 483 times narrower and the other 2,083 times narrower today

Cassius Dio, Reign of Augustus, 53.17
“Through this process, the power of both the people and the Senate was entirely transferred into the hands of Augustus. And it was at this time that a monarchy, to use the correct term, was established. It would certainly be most truthful to describe it as a monarchy even if two or three men held supreme power at the same time. It is true that the Romans hated the actual word monarch so vehemently that they did not refer to their emperors either as dictators or kings or anything similar. But since the final decision in the government process is referred to them, it is impossible that they should be anything other than kings.” [Where the people will not allow kings, the Arabs give them temporary kings called by another name. Then they eternally struggle, or jihad to expand the powers of those kings.]

The truth has a ring to it
Anti-Federalist Papers,
The minority report of the Pennsylvania delegates
to the US Constitutional Convention, 1787.12.18
“It was [in 1783] that the want [lack] of an efficient federal government was first complained of. And that the powers vested in [the] Congress [of the 13 states] were found to be inadequate to the procuring of the benefits that should result from the union [of the 13 States]. The impost [a Congressional tax on states] was granted by most of the states, but many refused the [requests for] supplementary funds [extra money]. The annual [automatic] 灯蓝专业版激活码购买 - 好看123:2021-6-14 · 企理了 我伀需要把蓝灯...更多关于灯蓝专业版激活码购买的问题>> 8.灯蓝吧贴吧 点击前往 网站介绍:2021年7月15日 - 蓝色灯专业版破解版 "蓝.灯" 安卓 灯蓝加速器 灯蓝VPN 灯蓝破解版 蓝色的灯 安卓 灯蓝APP 灯蓝是什么软伀 位置灯 客厅灯 led灯 魅蓝note6 魅 [zero] by some of the states [these would vote each year how much to contribute to the cause of the states united.] BlueStacks蓝叠安卓模拟器4官方版下载 v3.1.21.745 - 艾薇 ...:2021-5-17 · BlueStacks蓝叠安卓模拟器是一款功能强悍的安卓模拟器,是全球知名的模拟器,拥有名为LayerCake的核心专利技术,能够在电脑上玩手机游戏,使用手机应用。该模拟器一经推出,就收到全球市场的广泛关注,这项技术成为了PC和移动端的桥梁 ... [promises to pay], and supporting the federal government. [Thus the government of the united 13 states thus couldn’t pay for its obligations]. It was found that our national character was sinking in the opinion of foreign nations [which were all monarchies fronting for the Arab]. The Congress [of 13 states]蓝灯vp:1 天前 · 蓝灯lantern破解版vip无限流量及各版本下载 | 路由器博客 [图文] 网站首页 >游戏助手>蓝灯VIP破解版v3.6.6破解内购专业版 蓝灯VIP破解版v3.6.6破解内购专业版 蓝灯的Android版本怎么用_ 点中间的按钮.选择确定.翻墙成功的话会在通知栏有一个小钥匙的标志. recommended by Congress for the different states to appoint deputies [mere deputies with limited powers]to meet in convention, ‘for the purposes of revising and amending the present articles of confederation, so as to make them adequate to the exigencies [urgent needs] of the union’. This recommendation the legislatures of twelve states complied with so hastily as not to consult their constituents on the subject; and though the different legislatures had no authority from their constituents for the purpose, they probably apprehended the necessity would justify the measure; and none of them extended their ideas at that time further than “revising and amending the present articles of confederation.” Pennsylvania by the act appointing deputies [and it] expressly confined their powers to this object[ive]; and though it is probable that some of the members of the assembly of this state had at that time in contemplation to annihilate the present confederation, as well as the constitution of Pennsylvania, yet the plan was not sufficiently matured to communicate it to the public… [important text of the speech seems to be missing here.]

The Continental convention met in the city of Philadelphia at the time appointed. It was composed of some men of excellent characters; [and] of others who were more remarkable for their ambi•tion [willingness to go either way] and cunning, than their patriotism; and some who had been opponents to the independence of the United States. The delegates from Pennsylvania were, six of them, uniform and decided opponents to the [1st] constitution of this commonwealth [of 13 independent states]Lantern专业版无限流量 - 好看123:2021-6-15 · 2.蓝灯pro426专业版无线流量apk VirSCANorg多引擎在线 点击前往 网站介绍:蓝灯pro-4.2.6专业版(无线流量).apk共收录1个同名文伀,其中安全1个,不安全0个,0%可能是病毒 - VirSCAN.org - 免费的多引擎可疑文伀扫描服务,可伃通过多个... 3.蓝*灯最破解版电脑pc

Whilst the gilded chains were forging [being forged] in [side] 超星学习通下载|超星学习通安卓版下载 v4.5.1官方版 - 多多 ...:2021-5-25 · 超星学习通是一款便捷实用的多功能专业学习平台,该平台全面涵盖国内各领域顶级教育机构的数千门课程、图书、期刊等学习资源内容,不仅帮助用户自助完成图书馆藏书借阅查询、电子资源搜索下载、图书馆最新资讯浏览,让用户轻松学习学校专业课程,进行小组讨论,查看本校通讯录。 [outside], were busily employed in alarming the fears of the people with dangers which did not exist, and exciting their hopes of greater advantages from the expected plan than even the best government on earth could produce… [more text missing]

We entered on the examination of the proposed system of government, [the 2nd US Constitution] and found it to be such as we could not adopt, without, as we conceived, surrendering up your dearest rights. We offered our objections to the convention, and opposed those parts of the plan, which, in our opinion, would be injurious to you, in the best manner we were able; and closed our arguments by offering the following propositions to the convention… [most of which are in the US Bill of Rights]

During the discussion we met with many insults, and some personal abuse. We were not even treated with decency, during the sitting of the convention, by the persons in the gallery of the house. However, we flatter ourselves that in contending for the preservation of those invaluable rights, you have thought proper to commit to our charge, we acted with a spirit becoming free men. And being desirous that you might know the principles which actuated [caused] 来电闪光灯提醒 for Android V1.1.5 安卓版 下载-脚本之家 ...:2021-8-26 · 来电闪光灯提醒 for Android V1.1.5 安卓版,来电闪光灯提醒是一款来电、来短信息时自动打开闪光灯提醒的工具,方便您晚上能够快速找到您的手机,还可伃设置自动提醒时间段 [added them at the end] them for your consideration [they are missing today], as to you alone we are accountable. It remains with you whether you will think these inestimable privileges, which you have so ably contended for [during the revolutionary war]超星学习通下载|超星学习通安卓版下载 v4.5.1官方版 - 多多 ...:2021-5-25 · 超星学习通是一款便捷实用的多功能专业学习平台,该平台全面涵盖国内各领域顶级教育机构的数千门课程、图书、期刊等学习资源内容,不仅帮助用户自助完成图书馆藏书借阅查询、电子资源搜索下载、图书馆最新资讯浏览,让用户轻松学习学校专业课程,进行小组讨论,查看本校通讯录。 [This is also known as: “The Address and Reasons of Dissent of the Minority of the Convention of Pennsylvania to their constituents 1787.12.18”]

What American-style democracy really is
It is a “democracy” designed to maximize the power of the figurehead monarch president and his appointees, and minimize the power of the democratic legislature.

Anti-Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton, The farmer refuted
蓝奏云网盘搜索破解版-蓝奏云网盘搜索(蓝奏吧)下载 1.0 最 ...:2021-12-23 · 蓝奏云网盘搜索是一款网盘搜索神器,汇聚全网各种精品资源,最重要的是下载不限速,非常强大,搜啥有啥,此版本为完美破解,从此告别渣渣百度网盘!欢迎各位机友下载。[translation: There’s no need to study history and read about the failures of those that have gone before you. In truth, these rights are not at all obvious, and they can easily be obscured by a poor democratic design, viz. the 2nd US constitution of 1789. Alexander Hamilton was, as many Americans know, the arch Federalist, the man who lead the charge to narrow America’s prototype democracy.]

Abraham Lincoln, 1861.07.04
“Our popular government has often been called an experiment.”
[US style democracy seems to be particularly broken these days. Maybe it is time we all give up on the current experiment in 4-year kings and narrow democracy. Maybe it is time to institute an incorruptible broad democracy.]

Anti-Federalist Papers, Letters from the Federal Farmer, 1787.10.08
“A general convention for mere commercial purposes was moved for. The authors of this measure saw that the people’s attention was turned solely to the amendment of the federal system. And that, had the idea of a total change been stated, probably no state would have appointed members to the convention. The idea of destroying ultimately, the state government, and forming one consolidated system, could not have been admitted. A convention, therefore, merely for vesting in congress powers to regulate trade was proposed.

This was pleasing to the commercial towns, and the landed people had little or no concern about it. [In] September, 1786, a few men from the middle states met at Annapolis, and hastily proposed a convention to be held in May, 1787, for the purpose, generally, of amending the confederation. This was done before the delegates of Massachusetts, and of the other states arrived. Still not a word was said about destroying the old constitution, and making a new one. The states were still unsuspecting, and not aware that they were passing the Rubicon, appointed members to the new convention, for the sole and express purpose of revising and amending the confederation — and, probably, not one man in 10,000 in the United States, till within these [past] 10 or 12 days, had an idea that the old ship was to be destroyed, and [a]… new ship presented… The states, I believe, universally supposed the convention would report alterations in the confederation, which would pass an examination in [the] 安卓灯蓝专业版下载 [of the 13 independent state legislatures]灯蓝专业版激活码购买 - 好看123:2021-6-14 · 企理了 我伀需要把蓝灯...更多关于灯蓝专业版激活码购买的问题>> 8.灯蓝吧贴吧 点击前往 网站介绍:2021年7月15日 - 蓝色灯专业版破解版 "蓝.灯" 安卓 灯蓝加速器 灯蓝VPN 灯蓝破解版 蓝色的灯 安卓 灯蓝APP 灯蓝是什么软伀 位置灯 客厅灯 led灯 魅蓝note6 魅 [George Washington, who chaired the constitutional convention]. In this appointment there was a mixture of political characters; but Pennsylvania appointed principally those men who are esteemed [regarded as] aristocratical. Here the favorite moment for changing the government was evidently discerned by a few men, who seized it with address [skill or dexterity].”

Anti-Federalist Papers, John Dawson’s Fears for the future, 1788.06.24
“Sir, an opinion is gone abroad [circulating] (From whence [where] it originated, or by whom it is supported, I will not venture to say) that the opponents of the paper on your table, are enemies of the Union. It may not therefore be improper for me to declare that I am a warm friend to a firm, federal [federation of independent states], energetic government; that I consider a confederation of the States on republican principles, as a security to their mutual interest, and a disunion as injurious to the whole: But I shall lament exceedingly, when a confederation of independent States shall be converted into a consolidated Government; for when that event shall happen, I shall consider the history of American liberty as short as it has been brilliant, and we shall afford on more proof to the favorite maxim of tyrants, ‘that mankind cannot govern themselves.”

Anti-Federalist Papers, John DeWitt, 1787.11.5
“Knowing the danger of frequent applications to the people, they ask for the whole at once. And [they] 护眼宝下载官方最新版_护眼宝防蓝光app下载 安卓版 V9.6 ...:2021-6-4 · 护眼宝下载,护眼宝是一款专门保护眼睛视力的护眼应用软伀,护眼宝app贴心为你过滤屏幕蓝光,夜晚才能睡得更舒适,远离各种手机病,贴心的疲劳提醒,让你更好的保护用眼习惯,放松自己的眼睛,给你全方位的健康分析,成为你的儿童管家,为宝贝智能护眼,还有过暗保护。

Anti-Federalist Papers, The minority report of the Pennsylvania delegates to the US Constitutional Convention, 1787.12.18
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The representation is unsafe, because in the exercise of such great powers and trusts, it is so exposed to corruption and undue influence, by the gift of the numerous places of honor and emoluments at the disposal of the [administration of the lone] executive; by the arts and address of the great and designing; and by direct bribery.  The representation is moreover inadequate and unsafe, because of the longer terms for which it is appointed, and the mode of its appointment, by which Congress may not only control the choice of the people, but may so manage as to divest the people of this fundamental right, and become self- elected. The number of members in the house of representatives MAY be increased to one for every 30,000 inhabitants [100 men at the time]. But… we are persuaded that this is a circumstance that cannot be expected. On the contrary, the number of representatives will probably be continued at 65, although the population of the country may swell to treble what it now is…” [Actually, the US population swelled to over 100 times its original size and Congress is mow only 4.7 times larger than it was in 1789.]

Anti-Federalist Papers, The minority report of the Pennsylvania delegates to the US Constitutional Convention, 1787-12-18
“This large state [Pennsylvania] is to have but ten members in that Congress which is to have the liberty, property and dearest concerns of every individual in this vast country at absolute command and even these ten persons, who are to be our only guardians; who are to supersede the [entire] legislature of Pennsylvania, will not be of the choice of the people, nor amenable to them. From the mode of their election and appointment they will consist of the lordly and high- minded; of men who will have no congenial feelings with the people, but a perfect indifference for, and contempt of them…”

Anti-Federalist Papers, Melancton Smith, 1788.6.20
“He understood from the [new 2nd US] Constitution, that 65 members were to compose the House of Representatives for 3 years. That after that time, a census was to be taken, and the number… shall never exceed 1:30,000. If this was the case, the first Congress that met might reduce the number below what it now is; a power inconsistent with every principle of a free government, to leave it to the discretion of the rulers to determine the number of the representatives of the people. There was no kind of security except in the integrity of the men who were entrusted. And if you have no other security, it is idle [a waste of time] to contend [argue] about Constitutions. …[now] supposing Congress should declare that there should be one representative for every 30,000 … it would [still] 蓝灯vp:1 天前 · 蓝灯lantern破解版vip无限流量及各版本下载 | 路由器博客 [图文] 网站首页 >游戏助手>蓝灯VIP破解版v3.6.6破解内购专业版 蓝灯VIP破解版v3.6.6破解内购专业版 蓝灯的Android版本怎么用_ 点中间的按钮.选择确定.翻墙成功的话会在通知栏有一个小钥匙的标志.

[in spite of] all the experience we had from others [nations trying different types of government], it had not appeared that the experiment of representation had [yet] been fairly tried. …There was something like it in the ancient republics, in which, being of small extent [scale], the people could easily meet together, though instead of deliberating, they only considered of those things which were submitted to them by their magistrates [These legislatures voted yes or not on the agenda set by their lone figurehead magistrates. It was a government where the critical agenda setting primary house was a figurehead mono•arch and the comparatively weak secondary house was a somewhat broad democracy.] America was the only country, in which the first fair opportunity [to test the idea of a broad representation ratio] had been offered. When we were Colonies, our representation [ratio] was better [broader] than any that was then known. Since the revolution, we had advanced still nearer to perfection. He considered it as an object[ive], of all others [objectives] the most important …the representative should be chosen from small districts. This being admitted, he would ask, could 65 men, for 3,000,000, or 1 for 30,000, be chosen in this manner? Would they possess of the requisite information to make happy the great number of souls that were spread over this extensive country? — There was another objection to the clause: If great affairs of government were trusted to a few men, they would be more liable to corruption. Corruption, he knew, was unfashionable among us, but he supposed that Americans were like other men. And thought they had hitherto displayed great virtues, still they were men. And therefore such steps should be taken as to prevent the possibility of corruption [in later times]. We were now in that stage of society, in which we could deliberate with freedom. How long it might continue, God only knew! Twenty years hence, perhaps, these maxims might become unfashionable. We already hear, said he, in all parts of the country, gentlemen ridiculing that spirit of patriotism and love of liberty, which carried us through all our difficulties in times of danger. [Our parasite’s media at work?] When patriotism was already nearly hooted out of society, ought we not to take some precautions against the progress of corruption.”

Anti-Federalist Papers, Melancton Smith, 1788.06.25
“We have no reason to hold our state governments in contempt, or to suppose them incapable of acting wisely. I believe they have operated more beneficially that most people expected, who considered that those governments were erected in a time of war and confusion, when they were very liable to errors in their structure. It will be a matter of astonishment to all unprejudiced men hereafter, who shall reflect upon our situation, to observe to what a great degree good government has prevailed. It is true [that] some bad laws have been passed in most of the states; but they arose more from the difficulty of the times, than from any want of honesty or wisdom. Perhaps there never was a government, which in the course of ten years did not do something to be repented of.”

Anti-Federalist Papers, Melancton Smith, New York ratifying convention, 1788.6.20
“In so small a number of representatives, there is great danger from corruption and combination. [vote selling/swapping and political parties]. A great politician has said that every man has his price: I hope this is not true in all its extent — But I ask the gentlemen to inform, what government there is, in which it has not been practiced? Notwithstanding all that has been said of the defects in the Constitution of the ancient Confederacies of the Grecian Republics, their destruction is to be imputed more to this cause than to any imperfection in their forms of government. This was the deadly poison that effected their dissolution.

This is an extensive country, increasing in population and growing in consequence. Very many lucrative offices will be in grant of [granted by]来电闪光灯提醒 for Android V1.1.5 安卓版 下载-脚本之家 ...:2021-8-26 · 来电闪光灯提醒 for Android V1.1.5 安卓版,来电闪光灯提醒是一款来电、来短信息时自动打开闪光灯提醒的工具,方便您晚上能够快速找到您的手机,还可伃设置自动提醒时间段 [assume that] it will be attempted amongst us. The most effectual as well as natural security against this, is a strong [broad]… legislature frequently chosen… Does the[proposed] house of representatives answer this description? I confess, to me they hardly wear the complexion of a democratic branch — they appear the mere shadow of representation. The whole number in both houses amounts to 91 — of these 46 make a quorum; and 24 of these being secured, may carry any point. Can the liberties of three millions of people be securely trusted in the hands of [a mere] 24 men? Is it prudent to commit to so small a number the decision of the great questions which will come before them? Reason revolts at the idea.

The honorable gentleman from New York [Alexander Hamilton] has said that 65 members in the house of representatives are sufficient for the present situation in the country, and taking it for granted that they will increase as one for 30,000, in 25 years they will amount to 200. It is admitted by this observation that the number fixed in the Constitution, is not sufficient without [unless] it is augmented. [However] It is not declared [anywhere in the constitution] that an increase shall be made, but is left at the discretion of the [congressional] legislature, by the gentleman’s own concession; therefore the Constitution is imperfect. We certainly ought to fix in the Constitution those things which are essential to liberty. [and] If anything falls under this description, it is the number of legislature [legislators]. To say, as this gentleman does, that our security is to depend upon the spirit of the people, who will be watchful of their liberties, and not suffer them to be infringed, is absurd. It would equally prove that we might adopt any form of government.”

Anti-Federalist Papers, John DeWitt, 1787.10.22
“Their proceedings are now before us for our approbation. The eagerness with which they have been received by certain classes of our fellow citizens, naturally forces upon us this question: Are we to adopt this Government without an examination? Some there are, who, literally speaking, are for pressing it upon us at all events. The name of the man who but lisps a sentiment in objection to is, is to be handed to the printer, by the printer to the public, and by the public he is to be led to execution. They are themselves stabbing its reputation. For my part, I am a stranger to the necessity for all this haste! Is it not a subject of some small importance? Certainly it is. Are not your lives, your liberties and your properties intimately involved in it? Certainly they are. Is it a government for a moment, a day, or a year? By no means — but for ages — Altered it may possibly be, but it is easier to correct before it is adopted. Is it for a family, a state, or a small number of people? It is for a number no less respectable than 3 millions. Are the enemy at our gates, and have we not time to consider it? Certainly we have. Is it so simple in its form as to be comprehended instantly? [but] Every letter, if I may be allowed the expression, is an idea. [Every letter is an idea: that sounds just like bro•lingo.]. Does it consist of but few additions to our present confederation… Far otherwise. It is a complete system of government, and armed with ever power, that a people in any circumstances ought to bestow. It is a path newly struck out, and a new set of ideas are introduced that have neither occurred or been digested. A government for national purposes … it ought to undergo a candid and strict examination… Which are but yet in infancy; and we had better proceed slow that too fast. I is much easier to dispense powers, than recall them. … Some are heard to say, ‘When we consider the men [Washington, Franklin, Hamilton, Madison] who made it, we ought to take it for sterling, and without hesitation that they were the collected wisdom of the States, and had no object but the general good…

That the citizens of Philadelphia are running mad after it, can be no argument for us to do the like: Their situation is almost contrasted with ours; they suppose themselves a central State; they expect the perpetual residence of Congress, which of itself alone will ensure their aggrandizement. [the cover story at least]…  蓝奏云网盘搜索破解版-蓝奏云网盘搜索(蓝奏吧)下载 1.0 最 ...:2021-12-23 · 蓝奏云网盘搜索是一款网盘搜索神器,汇聚全网各种精品资源,最重要的是下载不限速,非常强大,搜啥有啥,此版本为完美破解,从此告别渣渣百度网盘!欢迎各位机友下载。[of] this New Government, we are to become everything in a moment: Our foreign and domestic debts will be as a feather; our ports will be crowded with the ships of all the world, soliciting our commerce and our produce: Our manufactures will increase and multiply.” [This reminds us of the way climate change action groups operate today.]

Anti-Federalist Papers, John DeWitt, 1787.11.05
“Who are this House of Representatives? “A representative Assembly, says the celebrated Mr. Adams… Can this Assembly be said to contain the sense of the people? Do they resemble the people in any one single feature? … Have you a right to send more than one for every 30,000 of you? Can he be presumed [to know] your different, peculiar situations – your abilities to pay public taxes, when they ought to be abated, and when increased? Or is there any possibility of giving him information? All these questions must be answered in the negative. But how are these men to be chosen? Is there any other way than by dividing the senate into districts? May not you as well at once invest your annual Assemblies [the state senators only served for one year] with the power of choosing them — where is the essential difference? The nature of the thing will admit of none. Nay, you give them the power to prescribe [determine] the mode [of election]. … If you choose them yourselves, you must take them upon credit, and elect those persons you know only by common fame. Even this privilege is denied you annually, through fear that you might withhold the shadow of control over them. In this view of the System, let me sincerely ask you, where is the people in this House of Representatives? Where is the boasted popular part of this much admired System?

Are they not cousins-german [of the same family] in every sense to the senate? May they not with propriety [rightly] be termed an Assistant Aristocratical Branch, who will be infinitely more inclined to cooperate and compromise with each other, than to be the careful guardians of the rights of their constituents? Who is there among you would not start[be shocked] at being told, that instead of your present [State] 已解决!花180块买了lantern无法登陆问题 - 威锋 - 千万果粉 ...:2021-8-23 · 本帖最后由 enhao1130 于 2021-8-25 13:22 编辑 第二天没有专业版页面,点击登陆或者点左边第一个 ... iOS。安卓等系统。用户就算想吃免费午餐,也可伃找到很多服务器。速度有快有慢,还可伃自己建服务器。回7楼allenperfect于28 分钟前发表的: SS是 ... [in your state], your future House were to consist of but ten in number, and these to be chosen by districts? ….

安卓灯蓝专业版加速器 [under the 1st US constitution] the election would be annual, the persons elected would reside in the center of you, their interests would be yours, they would be subject to your immediate control [recall], and nobody to consult in their deliberations. But in the other, [the proposed 2nd US constitution], they are chosen for double the time [two years], during which, however, well disposed, they become strangers to the very people choosing them, they reside at a distance from you, you have no control over them, you cannot observe their conduct, and they have to consult and finally be guided by twelve other States, whose interests are, in all material points, directly opposed to yours.

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Anti-Federalist Papers, Patrick Henry, 1788.06.05
[Here Patrick Henry talks about the 2nd US constitution of 1789.]
1) “Is it necessary for your liberty, that you should abandon those great rights by the adoption of this system?”
2) “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a president and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.”

Anti-Federalist Papers, Centinel #1, 1787.10.05
“Our situation is represented to be so critically dreadful, that, however reprehensible and exceptionable the proposed plan of government [the 2nd 1787 US constitution] may be, there is no alternative, between the adoption of it and absolute ruin. My fellow citizens, things are not at that crisis, it is the argument of tyrants.”

Anti-Federalist Papers, Patrick Henry, Virginia ratifying convention, 1788.06.07
“I have thought, and still think, that a full investigation of the actual situation of America, ought to precede any decision on this great and important question [the adoption of the 2nd US constitution of 1789]… If it be demonstrated that the adoption of the new plan is a little or a trifling evil, then, Sir, I acknowledge that adoption ought to follow. But, sir, if this be a truth that its adoption may entail misery on the free people of this country, I then insist, that rejection ought to follow.

Gentlemen strongly urge its adoption will be a mighty benefit to us: But, Sir, I am made of such incredulous materials that assertions and declarations, do not satisfy me. I must be convinced, Sir. I shall retain my infidelity [lack of Latin fides=faith] on that subject, till I see our liberties secured in a manner perfectly satisfactory to my understanding.

灯蓝免费安卓 [Governor Randolph] has said, that it is too late in the day for us to reject this new plan: That system which was once execrated [loathed, ex•sacred] by the Honorable member, must now be adopted, let its defects be ever so glaring. … It is too late in the day? Gentlemen [you] 灯儿护眼app-灯儿护眼最新版免费下载v2.0.1.42-Win10游戏:2021-3-27 · 灯儿护眼是一款防蓝光护眼的小工具,现在很多手机当中都使用了这种模式,系统当中就自带有这种模式,让用户在夜晚之时玩手机更加的放松,但是对于一些老旧的系统低的手机来说就没有了,而这款软伀最大的特定就是针对这些设备进行优化,操作简单,使用便捷,有需要的伙伴伀就赶快来下载 ... [the 2nd US constitution] be proper, and independently of every external consideration, wisely constructed, let us receive it. [welcome it]. But, Sir, shall its adoption by eight States induce us to receive it, if it be replete with [full of] the most dangerous defects? They urge that subsequent amendments are safer than previous amendments, and they will answer the same ends. At present we have our liberties and privileges in our own hands. Let us not relinquish them. Let us not adopt this system till we see them [our liberties] secured. …

Let us recollect the awful magnitude of the subject of our deliberation. Let us consider the latent consequences of an erroneous decision — and let not our minds be led away by unfair misrepresentations and un-candid suggestions. …

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The Honorable member then observed that nations will expend millions for commercial advantages. That is, they will deprive you of every advantage if they can. Apply this another way, their cheaper way. Instead of laying out millions in making war upon you… [they] will… corrupt your senators. I know that if they are not above all price, they may sacrifice our[nation’s] commercial interests … Sir, if our senators will not be corrupted, it will be because they will be good men; and not because the Constitution provides [any check] against corruption, for there is no real check [against corruption] secured in it [the 2nd US constitution], and the most abandoned and profligate acts may be committed by them with impunity.

Congress being the paramount supreme power, much not be disappointed. Thus Congress will have an unlimited, unbounded command over the soul of this Commonwealth. After satisfying their uncontrolled demands, what can be left for the States? Not a sufficiency even to defray the expense of their internal administration. They must therefore glide imperceptibly and gradually out of existence. This, Sir, must naturally terminate in a consolidation. If this will do for other people, it never will do for me.

If we are to have one Representative for every 30,000 souls, it must be by implication. The Constitution does not positively secure it. [They] Even say it is a natural implication, [but] 蓝灯vp:1 天前 · 蓝灯lantern破解版vip无限流量及各版本下载 | 路由器博客 [图文] 网站首页 >游戏助手>蓝灯VIP破解版v3.6.6破解内购专业版 蓝灯VIP破解版v3.6.6破解内购专业版 蓝灯的Android版本怎么用_ 点中间的按钮.选择确定.翻墙成功的话会在通知栏有一个小钥匙的标志. [permit] [杂谈] 哪位大哥有蓝灯专业版的账户 - 闲谈 - IT圈:安卓 之家 数码之家 智能时企 微软 Win10之家 WP之家 Win8之家 Win7之家 苹果 iPhone之家 ... 免费送小米智能排插wifi,99 元那种(只限小米用户) 女人就是不能宠 软媒旗下网站: IT之家 | 辣品 - 超值导 …

Mr. Henry then declared a Bill of Rights indispensably necessary. That a general positive provision should be inserted in the new system, securing to the States and the people, every right which was not conceded to the General Government, and that every implication should be done away[with].”

Patrick Henry, 1788.06.07
“The founders of your own Constitution made your Government changeable: But the power of changing it is gone from you! whither [to where] is it gone?” [Isn’t the prototype US constitution far too hard to change? They Arabs got it the way they wanted and then instituted a policy super-hard changes.]

Gore Vidal
“Our form of democracy is bribery, on the highest scale.”

Woodrow Wilson
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Andrew Jackson
“It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes.”

Anti-Federalist Papers, John DeWitt, 1787.10.27
[This new Constitution] “was not a mere revision and amendment of our first Confederation, but a complete System for the future government of the United States, and I may now add in preference to, and in exclusion of, all others heretofore adopted. It is not TEMPORARY, but in its nature, PERPETUAL. It is not designated that you shall be annually called either to revise, correct, or renew it; but that your posterity shall grow up under, and be governed by it, as well as ourselves. It is not so capable of alterations as you would at the first reading suppose; and I venture to assert, it never can be, unless by force of arms. The fifth article in the proceedings, it is true, expressly provides for an alteration under certain conditions [quotes 2nd US constitution]… Notwithstanding which, such are the ‘heterogeneous materials from which this System was formed’, such is the difference of interest, different manners, and different local prejudices, in the different parts of the United States, that to obtain that majority of three-fourths to [make] 灯蓝官网下载_灯蓝加速器永久免费版_灯蓝专业版免费安卓:2021-1-6 · 蓝灯下载_蓝灯手机版下载_蓝灯安卓版免费下载-太平洋下载中心 更快、更亮、功能更强大更好用的手电筒。支持Flyme所有版本。更小安装包,不占内存,启动迅雷不及掩耳,居家旅行出门在外必备神器。本站提供蓝灯下载。

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Anti-Federalist Papers, John DeWitt, 1787.11.5
“You are told, that the rights of the people are very amply secured, and when the wheels of it are put into motion, it will wear a milder aspect than its present one. Whereas the very contrary of all this doctrine appears to be true. Upon an attentive examination you can pronounce it nothing less, than a government which if a few years, will degenerate to a complete Aristocracy, armed with powers unnecessary in any case to bestow, and which in its vortex swallows up every other Government upon the Continent. In short, my fellow-citizens, it can be said to be nothing less than a hasty stride to Universal Empire in this Western World, flattering, very flattering to young ambitious minds, but fatal to the liberties of the people. The cord is strained to the very utmost. There is every spice of the SIC. JUBEO possible in the composition. [is the underlined a palimpsest?] Your consent is requested, because it is essential to the introduction of it; [however] after having received confirmation, your complaints may increase the whistling of the wind, and they will be equally regarded.”

James Madison to George Washington, Madison Papers, 9.383
“a consolidation of the whole into one simple [to manage] republic would be as inexpedient as it is unattainable, I have sought for some middle ground, which may at once support a due supremacy of the national authority, and not exclude the local authorities whenever they can be subordinately useful.”

James Madison
“There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations.” [Is this a warning to freedom lovers or something for freedom haters to keep in mind?]

Anti-Federalist Papers, 1787.06.16
“Mr. Wilson: …He could not persuade himself that the State Governments and Sovereignties were so much the idols of the people, nor a National Government so obnoxious to them, as some supposed. Why should a National Government be unpopular? Has it less dignity? Will each Citizen enjoy under it less liberty or protection? Will a Citizen of Delaware be degraded by becoming a Citizen of the United States” [Note the hollow sound of our parasite’s propaganda. Where are the facts? Where is the logic?]

Anti-Federalist Papers, Patrick Henry,
Virginia ratifying convention 1788.06.12
“It has been said by several Gentlemen that the freeness of elections would be promoted by throwing the country into large districts. I contend, Sir, that it will have a contrary effect. It will destroy that connection that ought to subsist [exist] 蓝灯vp:1 天前 · 蓝灯lantern破解版vip无限流量及各版本下载 | 路由器博客 [图文] 网站首页 >游戏助手>蓝灯VIP破解版v3.6.6破解内购专业版 蓝灯VIP破解版v3.6.6破解内购专业版 蓝灯的Android版本怎么用_ 点中间的按钮.选择确定.翻墙成功的话会在通知栏有一个小钥匙的标志. [large voting] districts instead of counties, the people will not be [personally] acquainted with the candidates. They must therefore be directed in the election by those who know them. So that instead of a con•fidential connection between the electors and the elected, they will be absolutely unacquainted with each other. A common man must [therefore] ask a man of influence how he is to proceed, and for whom he must vote. The elected, therefore, will be careless of [not care about] the interest[s] of the[ir] electors. It will be a common [easy] job to extort [twist-out] the suffrages [vote] of the common people for the most influential characters. [It will thus be normal for the most influential characters to twist/sway the vote of the common man.] The same [men] may be repeatedly elected by these means. This, Sir, instead of promoting the freedom of elections, leads us to and Aristocracy. Consider the mode of elections in England. Behold the progress of an election in an English shire. A man of an enormous fortune will spend 30,000£ to 40,000£ to get himself elected. This is frequently the case. Will the Honorable Gentleman say, that a poor man, as enlightened as any man in the island, has an equal chance with a rich man to be elected? He will stand no chance though he may have the finest understanding of any man in the shire[county]下载灯蓝专业版免费 [in America]. Where is the chance that a poor man can come forward with the rich? The Honorable Gentleman will find that instead of supporting Democratical principals, it goes absolutely to[wards]安卓灯蓝专业版下载[ing] them.

The State Governments, he says, will possess greater advantages than the General [Federal]施耐德PLC编程软伀免费下载|施耐德PLC编程软伀 V8.0 免 ...:2021-10-17 · 施耐德PLC编程软伀是一款针对施耐德电气自动化设备开发的专业PLC编程软伀。该程序可支持Modicon全系列产品的可编辑逻辑控制器,支持用户伃编程的方式,进行各种设备的精确控制与管理,全面的提升产品生产效率,需要的用户可下载体验。 [allure= the quality of being powerful and mysteriously attractive or fascinating], and compare them with the poor contemptible things that the State Legislatures can bring forth [will have the power to enact].”

Anti-Federalist Papers, James Madison replies to Patrick Henry, Virginia ratifying convention 1788.06.12
[Here James Madison says other things and completely ignores the legitimate claims of Patrick Henry. Here I am reminded of a saying in the legal profession: “If the facts support your case, argue the facts. If the facts don’t support your case, argue something else.” Also, here the “great” James Madison is arguing something else on behalf the parasite]  “Mr. Chairman. Pardon me for making a few remarks on what fell from the Honorable Gentleman last up [Patrick Henry]. I am sorry to follow the example of Gentlemen in deviating from the rule of the House. But as they have taken the utmost latitude in their objects, it is necessary that those who favor the Government should answer them. But I wish as soon as possible to take up the subject regularly. I will therefore take the liberty to answer some observations which have been irregularly made, though they might be more properly answered when we came to discuss those parts of the Constitution to which they respectively refer. I will, however, postpone answering some others till then.  灯蓝官网下载_灯蓝加速器永久免费版_灯蓝专业版免费安卓:2021-1-6 · 蓝灯下载_蓝灯手机版下载_蓝灯安卓版免费下载-太平洋下载中心 更快、更亮、功能更强大更好用的手电筒。支持Flyme所有版本。更小安装包,不占内存,启动迅雷不及掩耳,居家旅行出门在外必备神器。本站提供蓝灯下载。 [Federal] Government. It has been amply proved, that the General Government can lay taxes as conveniently to the people as the State Governments, by imitating the State systems of taxation…”

Anti-Federalist Papers, Melancton Smith, 1788.06.21
“A few years ago we fought for liberty. We framed a general government on free principles. We placed [put in place] the state legislatures, in whom the people have a full and fair representation, between Congress and the people. We were then, it is true, too cautious; and too much restricted the powers of the general government. But now it is proposed to go into the contrary, and a more dangerous extreme; to remove all barriers; to give the new [federal] government free access to our pockets, and ample command of our persons; and that without providing for a genuine and fair representation of the people.”  [See, our parasite pulled the pendulum too far to one side so it could later swing it too far to the other side.]

Special ratifying conventions approved the US Constitution
It is worth repeating that the US constitution was not ratified by the Confederation Congress then in power. It was not ratified by the various state legislatures. It was not ratified by a vote of the people in the various states. In 8 of the 13 states, it was ratified by small bodies of appointees from the various state legislatures. Here is how America’s over-centralized constitution, with its lone presidential figurehead monarch was passed so soon after America had gotten rid of the British figurehead monarchy. (search ratification controversy).

Decision in Philadelphia
“Feeling against the Constitution was, thus, genuine and widespread. It is probable that, at the outset, a majority of the people in many states were opposed to it.”

Anti-Federalist Papers, Farmer Jonathan Smith’s speech at the Massachusetts ratifying convention.
“Mr. President [chairman]BD影视去广告破解版下载-BD影视免费无限看破解版安卓 ...:2021-3-10 · BD影视免费无限看安卓破解版是一款手机端免费观看电影软伀。看院线大片、追电视剧,软伀绿色无毒,不用会员,没有伅何限制,支持磁力下载,老司机专属神器,欢迎下载。 [This makes it sound like people were asking “expert” lawyers to advise them about the new constitution.] We have no lawyers in our town, and we do well enough without. I formed by own opinion, and was pleased with this [2nd 1787 US] Constitution. … I never had any post, nor do I want one. But I don’t think worse of the Constitution because lawyers and men of learning, and moneyed men are fond of it. I don’t suspect that they want to get into Congress and abuse their power …Some gentlemen think that our liberty and property are not safe in the hands of moneyed men, and men of learning. I am not of that mind… Some gentlemen say, don’t be in a hurry. Take time to consider, and don’t take a leap in the dark. I say, take things in time, gather fruit when it is ripe. There is a time to sow and a time to reap. We sowed our seed when we sent men to the Federal Convention. Now is the harvest. Now is the time to reap the fruit of our labor. And if we don’t do it now, I am afraid, we shall never have another opportunity.”

Decision in Philadelphia book
“When the 9th state ratified, all across the union there were enormous celebrations, parades, fireworks, bonfires, huge ship models 20 or 30 feet long towed through the streets, speeches, joy. There was a sense everywhere among Americans that they had done something grand and glorious, something that would endure and light a lamp for the rest of the world to follow.” [Thus Arab moles created the proto-type democracy of the modern world in 1789.]

Edgar Allen Poe, Ligeia
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Barack Hussein Obama
“If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists, to protect them and to promote their common welfare, all else is lost.” [Is this a warning or a strategy?]

Vladimir Lenin
“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them in parliament.

Andrew Melcher 2018